The most basic definition of any security Alarm system is found in its name. It is literally ameans or method by which something is secured through a system of interworking components and devices.
A typical Alarm system includes:
- A control panel, which is the primary controller of a security system
- Door and window sensors
- Motion sensors, both interior and exterior
- Wired or wireless security cameras
- A high-decibel siren or alarm
- A yard sign and window stickers
There are different kinds of Alarm Systems like Intrusion Alarm systems, Fire AlarmsSystems, Smoke Alarm, Garage Door Alarm, Water Lick age Alarm, Door Alarm, Heat Alarm, etc., All this Alarm Systems Can be Wired & Wireless Alarm Systems so as Monitored & Unmonitored Alarm Systems.
TROPAS SECURITY & TECHNOLOGIES has Solution for all kinds of Alarm Systems. Co is Authorized Distributor of one of the International Brand called “AJAX” Alarms also Company is Authorized Partner of “Dahua Technologies” which Provides Alarm Systems. Tropas has Started 24 x 7 Live control room to monitor Alarm Systems so that Rapid Response can be Available on time to secure the Clients Property & Life at the Risk. We Welcome You for More
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